
Podeis mandarme los resultados al email: alicialuverne@gmail.com o via facebook por medio de un privado: Alicia Wangensteen Fuentes o directamente en clase. ADVICE: USE THE DICTIONARY :)

Reading. Aqui teneis un trozo de Alice in Wonderland, está traducido al español, por si teneis dudas en el vocabulario. Este ejercicio es solo para leerlo, para adquirir vocabulario.

Me mandais la solución y la traducción al español
Complete with past and translate into Spanish:

  1. She (travel) .................... by train to London.

  2. She (cut) .................... the lettuce with a knife.

  3. The film (be) .................... boring.

  4. The president (speak) .................... very slow during the conference.

  5. Sarah (sing) .................... perfectly in the concert.

  6. Peter (decide) .................... to paint the house blue.

  7. My mother (have) .................... her birthday party last night.

  8. The lawyer (try) .................... to convince the jury.

  9. My dog (bite) .................... Ann in her leg.

  10. I (meet) .................... John at the old restaurant last week.

  1. Charles (water) .................... the garden the last weekend.

  2. The children (watch) .................... TV the whole day yesterday.

  3. Susan (leave) .................... the house early at night.

  4. The burglars (break) .................... the window with a hammer.

  5. Clara (make) .................... a beautiful dress for her sister.

  6. The students (know) .................... all the answers of the exam.

  7. W. Shakespeare (write) .................... several novels.

  8. We (stay) .................... at home because the weather was bad.

  9. I (invite) .................... Thomas and his wife to my wedding.

  10. My mother (suggest) .................. going to the cinema.


Business English
 It is said that English speakers fall into three groups: those that have learnt it as a mother tongue, those that have learnt it as a second language through exposure in a society where it is spoken, and those that are forced to use it for administrative, professional or educational purposes.
This third group, along with the supremacy of English over German in the business world, has created a boom in institutions offering English for Business. However, the average business person, while happily accepting the challenge, does not have any idea how long the process may take. Duncan Ford, a specialist in language teaching theory, partly puts the blame on misleading publicity and says that you have to think in terms of hundreds of hours while people still think learning a language is a three-hour-a-week job.
According to him, the key is lots of variety of the activities and adapting to the dynamics of the class. The communicative approach has replaced the old-fashioned note-taking method and for those who think that a couple of hours with their latest CD-ROM is a substitute for English classes, they should think again. While seen as a useful back-up, they are no teacher replacement.

How do people in the second group learn to speak English?

It is a natural process, because they live in a place where English is a usual language

They have to learn it by studying and going to school

People in the second group don't learn English because they don't need it

They have Englishas their mother language

They have to use it for varied reasons, such as getting a job or studying at a university, and learn it by means of teachers

Is learning English a short process? Why?

Yes, because there are lots of institutions offering it

No, specialists say you need hundreds of hours

No, because you don't have it as a mother tongue

Yes, if you use the most recent CD-ROMs

Yes, with a communicative approach

3 COMPREHENSION True or False?
A student of English in a secondary school is included in the first group

False. The text says the first group is for those that have learnt it as a mother tongue

True. But only if that student lives in a society where English is spoken

False. According to the text, that student is not forced to use it for administrative, professional or educational purposes

True. The text says that the first group is for those who are forced to use it for administrative, professional or educational purposes.

True. The text says that the first group is for those that have learnt it as a second language through exposure in a society where English is spoken

4 COMPREHENSION True or False?
German has been the most spoken language for business until now

False. The text says that it has created a boom in institutions offering English for Business

True. According to the text the supremacy of English over German in the business world is evident, and it means that German was the leading language previously

False. The text says that there is a supremacy of English over German in the business world, and it means that German is the first language in this field

False. According to the text there is a supremacy of English over German now, but it doesn't speak about the past

True. The text says that the average business person does not have any idea how long the process may take

5 COMPREHENSION True or False?
Mr Ford considers three lessons a week is enough to learn a language

True. According to the text, for those who think that a couple of hours with their latest CD-ROM is a substitute for English classes, they should think again

False. The text says that the key is lots of variety of the activities and adapting to the dynamics of the class

True. According to the text, Mr Ford is a specialist in language teaching theory

False. According to the text, the communicative approach has replaced the old-fashioned note-taking method

False. According to the text, you have to think in terms of hundreds of hours while people still think learning a language is a three-hour-a-week job

6 COMPREHENSION True or False?
Listening to a CD-ROM for two hours is enough to learn English

False. According to the text, the communicative approach has replaced the old-fashioned note-taking method and this has nothing to do with CD-ROMs

False. The text says that those who think that a couple of hours with their latest CD-ROM is a substitute for English classes, they think well

True. According to the text, the latest CD-ROM is a substitute for English classes

False. According to the text, for those who think that a couple of hours with their latest CD-ROM is a substitute for English classes, they should think again

True. The text says that CD-ROMs are seen as a useful back-up, but they are no teacher replacement
Aqui os pongo un enlace de una página en la que podeis ir educando el oido con programas de radio de USA, que una de la audiciones os las van a poner de eso. Me conformo con que la oigais unos 4 ó 5 minutillos y empezais por entender unas 5 palabras al principio. Ya ireis entendiendo más....No os desespereis!! Pinchad en la palabra de más abajo: "emisoras americanas" y cuando se os abra elenlace, ala izquierda elegid una de la lista que os aparece. Luego le dais al simbolo del play (que es una flechita que señala a la derecha).



Se dará un punto por cada respuesta correcta.

Las respuestas incorrectas o no contestadas no restan.


Se dará un punto por cada respuesta correcta.

Las respuestas incorrectas o no contestadas no restan.

Todos los textos orales se escuchan en un audio en CD dos veces.
Se evaluarán los siguientes aspectos:


El texto deberá ajustarse a la finalidad y situación

comunicativa solicitada. Es importante que el candidato

cumpla el número de palabras estipuladas y que el texto se

ajuste al formato requerido. (carta. e-mail, narración etc.)


La variedad del léxico y las estructuras gramaticales



La corrección de las oraciones en cuanto a las reglas

gramaticales de formación, concordancia, el orden de

palabras, el uso correcto de adjetivos y adverbios y la



La organización apropiada de la información en oraciones y

párrafos, con el uso adecuado de los signos de puntuación.

También se mira el uso adecuado de conectores:

and, also, but, however, then  etc

La prueba oral se realiza en parejas con uno o dos


En las dos partes de la prueba oral se evaluará lo siguiente:


La variedad y precisión del vocabulario y estructuras


La capacidad del candidato de expresarse de manera que se

le puede entender sin demasiado esfuerzo.


El candidato debe responder a las preguntas de manera

apropiada y cumplir las tareas con cierta fluidez., sin

demasiadas pausas que dificulten la comunicación.

En la segunda parte de la prueba oral (los candidatos deben

interactuar entre ellos) se evaluará además la capacidad del

candidato para hacer lo siguiente:

-Iniciar, mantener y terminar una conversación

-Hacer preguntas

-Entender, reaccionar y responder a lo que dice su pareja

-Pedir aclaraciones si no entiende algo

-Tomar su turno de manera apropiada

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